Connect when it counts. 

Each gift we offer is designed to connect with your clients at moments when it matters to them. Our first gift experience is shipped when a new client comes on board. The second, the 150 day gift is shipped to offset the client feeling like their case may not be progressing as fast as they would like or haven’t heard from you in a while. And our third gift experience is when the case is settled, and the client gets financial relief and the acknowledgement that justice has been served.

Designed to delight.

We create custom-designed unboxing experiences that grab the immediate attention of the person who receives it. Each box is designed to shine a beautiful light on your firm’s brand.

Cool gifts.

When it comes to what’s in the box, it gets even better. We’re all about the want, keep and appreciate factor. We only select high quality products that people truly enjoy receiving.

Personalized to engage.

Strengthening the bond between you and your clients is the utmost importance. This is the moment where you can reinforce just how much you value the relationship they have entrusted you with. Each gift includes a personalized notecard.